This is a family run business established for 100 years, with the current vendors in possession for 9 years. It has a loyal customer base with support from the local community and has a captive market in the town as the only supermarket.
The business location is coastal, on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia within a reasonable proximity to Port Lincoln.
- Supermarket lines
- Hardware
- Fruit & Veg
- Fresh meat
- Newsagents
- Fishing, tackle and bait supplies
- Haberdashery
- Industrial and domestic gas
- Garden and plumbing supplies
- Bank and bus agency
Market Conditions & CompetitionN/A
Financial SummaryN/A
Training & SupportN/A
Reason for SellingRetirement
City: Arno BayState: South Australia
Category Newsagency
Retail Store
Service Business
Supermarkets or Grocery Stores
Weekly RevenueN/A Monthly RevenueN/A Annual RevenueN/A
Contact PersonSimon Johnson Price$795,000 WIWO Year EstablishedN/A
Phone07 3106 3811 Cashflow$N/A EmployeesN/A