Creed & Lang specialise in all commercial printing including offset, digital & wide format, posters, laminating, binding and graphic design. The sale includes all current printers, binders, laminators and other machinery to service the current products and services available.
Warwick is a major commercial centre in the Darling Downs.
Freehold Sale $400,000 WIWO
Market Conditions & CompetitionN/A
Financial SummaryN/A
Training & SupportN/A
Reason for SellingRetirement
City: WarwickState: Queensland
Category Business Services
Professional Services
Service Business
Weekly RevenueN/A Monthly RevenueN/A Annual RevenueN/A
Contact PersonSimon Johnson Price$400,000 WIWO Year EstablishedN/A
Phone07 3106 3811 Cashflow$N/A EmployeesN/A