Clientele is a mixture of local residents, businesses, tourists, schools and 3 sub agents
The business employs two part time employees to assist the two working owners.
Trades 6 days/week. Monday to Friday 0600 – 1700 & Saturday 0600 - 1200
Financials are available upon signing a confidentiality agreement.
Leasehold Sale Price $175,000+SAV
Market Conditions & CompetitionN/A
Financial SummaryN/A
Training & SupportN/A
Reason for SellingRetirement
City: HeywoodState: Victoria
Category Newsagency
Retail Store
Service Business
Weekly RevenueN/A Monthly RevenueN/A Annual RevenueN/A
Contact PersonSimon Johnson Price$175,000+SAV Year EstablishedN/A
Phone07 3106 3811 Cashflow$N/A EmployeesTwo part time employees to assist the two working